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Introduction >

China has become a famous visitor destination, with more and more individuals coming here for a holiday. The proximity of the age-old history and hi-tech lifestyle makes it an engaging location to visit.
Traveling to China is nothing like touring India or Europe. China has rules you'll have to endure while traveling the country. Don't worry; it won't destroy your enjoyment in any way. In fact, you'll come to know more about the traditions and cultures that make this region so unique.

When to visit >

Although China has travel-friendly weather nearly all year round, early autumn and late spring would be the finest time to see the country.

The months of April, May, and September, October enjoy a moderate temperature, creating the right time to travel to the natural magnificence side of the country and the city.

It is good to avoid touring China throughout the monsoon period as it occasionally experiences heavy rain blocking you from relishing multiple activities in the area.

However, as the country is already overpopulated and the visitors just add to the hordes, for those seeking a vacation in serenity, November to March (low season) would be the most excellent period to make your tour.

Experiences >

Wir haben besonders unterhaltsame Reiserouten für eifrige Anfänger, Kenner, Prominente, College-Freunde, Freunde seit dem Kindergarten, große sprudelnde Familien und begeisterte Partygänger zusammengestellt.


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